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  Commercial pigeon control services are available in the Las Vegas area - " Have Birds, We'll Travel"  Call us at 1-877-828-2473    




Las Vegas, Nevada  Commercial Service 1.877.828.2473   











Las Vegas Nevada casino pigeon control removal shock track

Pigeon and Bird Control around casinos using shock track

   On a casino remodel in Las Vegas Nevada, we installed a low profile 1/2" high pigeon shock system to the front entry areas that was designed to keep the pigeons from roosting on the edges of the new lighting system and stop any Bird or pigeon poop from landing on the workers or guest as they got out of their cars, cabs or limo's.

   This pigeon shock system project was done on and off over several months as each of the different levels were being completed by other trades, because of the time frame we were given, we completed the shock track installation project just hours before the grand re-opening.

   A pigeon or bird shock track system is much like a dog or cattle shock fence which gives the animal a small but effective zap causing the animal to move away from the area that zapped them.

   Bird shock track has two stainless steel braided wires that run along the ledge a + and - that the pigeon must contact before getting a small zap unlike a dog shock fence where the - is in the ground and the + is run along the area where you want to keep the dog out of.

Front of Las Vegas casino that is having bird shock system installed Shock track was laid out in zones for each level and each of the recessed light sections was linked together. The zones were designed so that if one section should go out it would not effect the other zones
Ledge where the electronic shock track is being installed Each of the recessed light areas has a ledge and the light strip is placed behind the ledge allowing lots of nesting for the pigeons.

When the pigeons would fly up to the ledges they get a mild shock and fly off before they even get to the nesting areas behind the lights.

Top of collum where the shock track has been intalled This building had lots of roosting and nesting spots all along the front entry way just above guests heads.

The shock track conforms nicely to the angles and arches of the building.

Shock track on top to keep the pigeon away This a close up of the shock track - notice how the track can bend to fit.

The track sits up less than a 1/2" high and can not even be seen from the ground below.

All power and jump wires were run inside or behind the columns.

Casino arch where we installed shock track to keep the pigeons off On the tops of the arches we use a flex shock track so that we could use just one long piece wrapped back and forth to save on having to create jumps from row to row.
Top of casino roof line where we installed shock track flat On the tops of the building overhangs we used grey track to blend in with the gray building materials.

The only people that know the track is there are the ones that are looking for it, and you really need to look hard to see it.

Close up of shock track inside casino recessed lights Here is a little better picture of all the available nesting space for the pigeons behind the ledge with the shock track.

If the shock track was not in place the ground below would be covered with droppings and the vale's would be getting pooped on like before the track was installed

Look at that great big nesting box below the lights, pigeons would have gotten out of control in a very short time.

Plug in shock boxes for all the different shock trrack zones This project required using 10 plug-in charger boxes for the 12 different zones to power the 4000 feet of shock track and several solar powered shock boxes on the roof to power the 400 plus feet of shock track placed on these areas as well.


Note: This is 1 of 2 boxes that are side by side


Contact us today at 1.877.828.2473 to see about scheduling an inspection of your property and see how we can help you stop all the noise and mess as well as the possible slip & fall dangers or health hazards associated with pest birds that may be roosting or nesting on your commercial properties.



Copyright © 2004 Arizona Wings-N-Stings   All rights reserved.    Revised: 10/09/10.