Southwestern States Commercial Service 1.877.828.2473
Plastic Owls don't work !
Bird & Pigeon Proofing or Exclusion on Commercial Buildings
You need a solution to your bird problem, you have a very tight budget to work with and you understand the public relations aspect of having any bird control work done on your site may not go over very well with some residents or tenants. Arizona Wings N' Stings has a special understanding about Answer's to most every nuisance bird control problem. Realtors Check Here City & State Government Check Here Check out some of our past work Projects Developing solutions for each project requires many
We try to be very discrete and try not to create any public displeasure in what we are doing even in the most public of places like shopping centers, office buildings, apartment complex's and hospitals.
Keeping pigeons and other types of birds off of your buildings where interaction with tenants, customers and employees is not an easy thing to do. Long gone are the days when you could just put up some plastic owl and calling it good, just doesn't work in these days of lawsuit happy people. Pigeons create slip and fall hazards with the sticks they collect for their nests and the dropping that land on the ground where people walk and when pigeons nest around A/c units the chance of fecal matter getting sucked into the duct work on older units should be a big consideration and worry to any owner or manager of any rental property. Your Maintenance
cost go down, Your Image and Property Values go up, When you control pest birds !
Think you'll see this customer again? Bird droppings can eat the paint and ruin the finish on any vehicle or equipment because of the high acid content in the droppings. Arizona Wings N'
Stings will provide you with a
and cost break down of your property. Contact us today to see about scheduling an inspection of your property and see how we can help you stop all the noise and mess as well as the possible slip & fall dangers or health hazards associated with pest birds that may be roosting or nesting on any of your properties.
Copyright © 2010 Arizona Wings-N-Stings All rights reserved. Revised: 10/12/10. |