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  Gas canopies can provide nesting places for hundreds of pigeons who can poop 25 lbs a year    




Southwestern States Commercial Service 1.877.828.2473   



A feral pigeon can excrete over 25 lbs of waste a year.






Pigeon Control & Removal for Gas Station Canopy

   A gas station canopy pose's a real problem for the station owner when pigeons start to nest on them. It does not take many years for a flock of pigeons to ruin the gutters and metal of a $ 20,000.00 canopy.

An Average pigeon poops 47 - 51 times a day or about 25 lb's a year

   Gas Canopies provide a great observation point for pigeons, they like to sit along the canopy edges and survey the area. Canopies also provide lots of protected nesting sites inside the canopy gutter areas and just out in the open.

   On the gas canopy flat metal roof areas, pigeon feces and nests will clog the drains and eat away at the light weight metal canopy itself, anyone that has been around a gas canopy after it rains and where a lot of pigeons have been nesting has probably seen the brown stuff running along the ceiling and down the sides of the metal joints or worst yet smelled the odor the canopy emits for several days after the rain - not very pleasant. 

   Gas canopy outside view metal siding can get covered with pigeons feces that will run down the canopy sides and even landing on the ground creating an unappealing image to customers pulling in to the station and this also creates slip and fall hazards on the ground for customers filling up with gas.


If you see pigeons roosting along the top edges of you gas station canopy they most likely are not just  passing by they live there and you have a bird problem - it will not go away it will only get worst as time goes on and more baby pigeons are born and that will cost even more to clean and fix.


As an example: One of the 110' x 45' canopies we cleaned took 14 men 1 1/2 days and filled a 40 yard dumpster that we filed with 626 full size trash bags of pigeon waste, it weighted over 10 tons.

Pigeons just love to nest on gas canopies and the droppings build up

Pigeons just love gas canopies, even small units like this 25' x 25' can have 60 - 100 pigeons living on top of it or 60 birds x 2 lbs a month = 120 lbs x 12 months = 1440 lbs of pigeon waste a year on the canopy from a small flock!

Pigeon poop all over gas station canopy can ruin a canopy by eatting through the metal in the gutters

Pigeon feces, eggs and dead birds on this 25' x 25' canopy were 6" to 18" deep, the dry weight removed was over a ton in weight. All the gutters were clogged and the weight wet was maybe 4x the dry weight.

It's amazing that some canopies stay up with all the weight they are holding

Pigeon control net and cable system to exclude pigeons

Poles are set above the top of the canopy edges so that the net angles down stopping most of the pigeons from sitting on the net

Close up of pigeon control netting to exclude pigeons from nesting

2" Netting is installed over the cable support system and hog ringed to hold the net in place.

Gas canopy netting to keep out the pigeons from nesting and pooping

Net is attached to the edges of the canopy and pulled tight.

View from the ground is only slightly visible, what is worst ? all that pigeons feces on the canopy and the smell when it rains or the view of bird net on the canopy keeping out the pigeons.


Don't wait - Call Arizona Wings N' Stings today for all your gas canopy bird control needs, from clean up to exclusion we can help you.



Copyright © 2004 Arizona Wings-N-Stings   All rights reserved.    Revised: 12/29/08.